Monday, April 30, 2007

Tabaco, San Telmo

Tabaco is one of the best bars IWCRP has ever visited. It opens on weekends only, from 00.30 till rather late, and has a capacity of 150 people. There are usually three concerts pr. night, with local rock bands of variable quality. There's also a pinball machine which hardly ever works. They've done some serious remodelling the last months, but the toilets are still quite miserable, and I suspect that it will still rain inside if it rains outside.

The address is EE.UU. 265.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Links! Rechts!

It turns out that IWCRP is not the only multinational company dedicating itself to the research of WCs. Here is a list of other websites that could be of great interest.
  • Hollaender's Toilet Pictures - From danish clubs and bars, some of which I´ve visited personally in the past. Very fancy site, with sound and all. Quite small site, and some of the 32 pictures are a bit blurry.
  • The Toilet Museum does not seem to produce much of the material on the page, but there´s a lot of WC related pictures of celebrities, cats, women, et cetera, as well as videos and cartoons.
  • Crappers Quarterly - Toilets from all five continents are reviewed here. Readers can send in their reviews. Unfortunately, not many of the posts have pictures of the WC. The site also has a lot of stuff which, albeit entertaining, is not related to WCs.
  • - A large database of pictures, mainly from English and Irish pub toilets. 198 pubs are reviewed so far, most of them with several pictures. Many of the pics are a little blurry, but it´s still a great site, and it has had over 200.000 visitors since 2004! Respect!

  • picture from

Viru-Viru International Airport, Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Thanks to Lloyd Aereo Boliviano, the most annoying company in the world, we got to spend several hours in the transfer area at Viru-Viru. The name may be fun, but the airport is not. After ten hours of watching scenes from the movie "The Terminal" (the script was no doubt inspired by, or even written on a trip with Lloyd) and silly bolivian commercials, people started to lose their minds all around us.
In the cubicle next to the one on the picture, a man (the same man) was making strange moaning noises both times I visited the WC, with a five hours interval. Could he have been sitting there the whole time, or was this a case of parallel bladder-capacity?

Lloyd Aereo Boliviano - Pope poop

It is extremely diffucult to exaggerate when describing the horrors suffered when flying with Lloyd Aereo Boliviano.

A total delay of some 60 hours on the trip Buenos Aires - Panama - Buenos Aires should be enough to drive any person completely mad.



An interesting feature about this plane, which took us from Panama to Bolivia, is that the pope (the previous, shaky one) has taken the same flight, which means that His Holiness has no doubt used the WC depicted here. It could even be his brown on the picture!

Holy shit!

Panama Airport

A couple of pics from the Airport in Panama, where we had to stay overnight because the shitheads of Lloyd Air Boliviano couldn´t find the plane we were going with, and didn´t have the brains to tell us before we got to the airport.

It was a nice airport, though, with complementary wheelchairs and a bar. Despite the wheelchairs, however, I have my doubts regarding the wheelchairfriendliness of the elevators.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Since IWCRP does not yet have an office in Salta, we hired two proffesional photographers to go there and do some research for us. After flying them in from Norway, we sent them on a two weeks long job. IWCRP hereby bring you the entire catalogue of pictures they brought back to us.

Copyright: Anne Marthe & Tollef productions, 2007

Saturday, April 21, 2007


The International WC research project is indeed an international hit. Visitors from all continents are enjoying the insight into world problems and universal delights offered them by IWCRP.

Apart from the previously mentioned Argentina, USA, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, China, New Zealand, Norway, France, Spain, Japan, Iceland, Colombia, South Africa, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, Chile, Russia and Costa Rica, we have recently been visited by delegates from the great nations of Turkey, Portugal, Denmark, Romania, El Salvador, Egypt, India, Venezuela, Taiwan, The Netherlands, Sweden and Hong Kong.

In honor of our guests, we bring you pictures from Romania and India.

It´s the arts!

As every decent artist knows, the WC has a unique esthetic beauty which makes it particuarly appropriate as an artistic motive. It also serves perfectly well as a metaphor for life, love and God.

Today, we bring you a few pictures from the IWRCP museum of classic arts, from three classics of the audiovisual genre:

1. Donnie Darko

2. Monty Python´s Flying Circus, episode 30

3. The Simpsons, The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson


IWCRP arranged a safari in Barracas friday 13.04.07. The concept of safaris is as simple as it is pleasant; the safari group goes somewhere it has not been before, and walks untill finding a nice-looking bar. They go in, and drink one beer before moving on in a random direction untill finding a new bar, and so on all day and all night long. In the particular case of safaris organized by IWCRP, pictures of the WCs must also be taken. Here are the results, in cronological order:

1. El Restó del día;
Tacuarí 1744

Cleverly named, close to our flat and with tables outside, this was our first stop of the evening. A cold Warsteiner was enjoyed before moving on.

2. La cabaña de Barracas, Isabel la Católica / Olavarría

Another pleasant surprise. On a corner with relatively little traffic, these nice people have put several tables on the sidewalk for us to sit and drink beer. Apart from the regular beers, a rather nice one called Koala is also offered, as well as wine and german food.

3. El Progreso, Av. Montes de Oca 1702

This one is a real classic. El progreso opened its doors in 1942, the year Uruguay won Copa America, the Germans reached Stalingrad, all pinball machines were declared illegal in Bronx, Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra recorded "I'll Take Tallulah", Bing Crosby recorded "White Christmas" and "Silent Night", while Mexico changed from 3 time zones to 2 and declared war on nazi-Germany and Japan.

The first two pictures are from the men's room, the last one is from the ladies' room. In order to use the WC, ladies must ask nicely for a key in the bar, whereas gentlemen need only walk through some kind of enchanted garden, or at least a patio with a couple of plants. It´s worth the walk, though, as you can see on the pictures.

4. Blues Special, Alte Brown 102, La Boca

This appeared to be a nice place; five bands were playing blues and rock´n´roll the night we visited.

However, we came early, so the bands hadn´t started yet, and there were no other guests apart from a crazy-looking, garbage-smelling person. There were lots of people drinking beer outside, though, as the kiosk next door was open. We decided to have a gin tonic while waiting for things to happen, so the bartender went to the kiosk and bought 2 l of tonic. He then made a 90% gin + 10% tonic, hoping that this strategy would make the tonic last longer. After finishing the drink, the IWCRP delegates were seeing cuadruple, and had to get something to eat.

5. Don Ernesto, Carlos Calvo 375, San Telmo

Don Ernesto is our favourite restaurant in San Telmo. Great food, good wine and fantastic service. Good prices, too.

Café Tortoni

Founded in 1858, Café Tortoni is an institution amongst the numerous cafés of Buenos Aires. It´s one of the mandatory stops for tourists, who go completely bananas with their little digital camaras. IWCRPs mathematical staff has calculated that the waiters spend more time taking pictures of smiling tourists than serving coffee and chocolate mousse.
The chocolate mousse is really good.

Locos X el futbol, Recoleta

Next to the famous Recoleta cemetery, where Evita´s dusty bones rest in a box, is Buenos Aires´ most famous sports bar; Locos X el futbol.
Not much to say about it, really, other than that it gets packed during important games and that service is a little slow. Other than that, it´s a good place for watching games, as there must be at least 30 TV-screens of different sizes on the walls.

Since I´m a nice guy, I also give you some pictures I took at the cemetery.

One of what appears to be Jesus playing golf (or working as a caddie), and one of his mother with a nice little beard.

Caminito, La Boca

A public WC from tourist trap #1 in Buenos Aires, Caminito. Trillions of tourists come here every day in search of the true cultural essence, and find a cazillion tango shows and souvenir shops. Here you can find overprized leather stuff and see canadians dance with one of the many professional tango dancers who work at the restaurants. Caminito, in its quest for displaying the authentic culture, has become a monotone parody, and the worst part of it is that the beer is five times more expensive here than in the average hole in the wall elsewhere.

Friday, April 13, 2007


Bellagamba is one of the finest establishments in Buenos Aires. Open 24 hours friday and saturday, untill 4 a.m or later depending on how thirsty people are the rest of the week. Self-service food and quite cheap beer in a cheerful environment.

The address is Av. Rivadavia al 2100, between Junin and Uriburu.

See also:
Bellagamba 2 in Gaona