It appears to be particularly popular amongst americans and canadians, and we´ve been getting a lot of hits thanks to a link on another blog; coffe cup thoughts. It appears to be a blog about stitching and knitting, and the link comes with a warning. Commentaries on the post discuss brazilian porn, as is to be expected on any blog about stitching, but my favourite is the one by a woman who lists her interests as "cross stitch, knitting, church and swimming". She is the author of the blog "quietly stitching", yet she labels IWCRP as "totally bizarre".
Also, we keep getting hits from people who google "Buenos Aires" and other places mentioned here, but the most interesting thing is that lately, we´ve recieved a wave of chinese people; Liaoning, Shandong, Sichuan, Hunan, Fujian and Hubei are just a few of the places they come from. As opposed to most of our visitors, it does not appear that they visit us by accident, as their visits are logged "without referring link"; i.e. not from the random button nor any search engine. It appears that they write the URL in the adress bar, in an active and concious way. Or there´s some logical explanation to it, but I prefer to believe that IWCRP is the new rice in the fastest growing economy in the world.

That´s probably the origin of our chinese friends´interest, then. Anyway, in order to please approximately 1.300.000.000 people, here´s a vast collection of chinese toilets, thanks to google and frightened tourists.

parece que tu idea ha sido un éxito total!!! felicidades... y pasame el secreto de cómo poner un contador de visitas en el blog, no tengo ni idea...