Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Alajuela Safari 3: Bar el Galeano

The bathroom at El Galeano is a monumental masterpiece of costarican engineering. That's all you need to know about the place.

Alajuela Safari 2: Bar Centro de Amigos

Lovely decoration

Bar with mirrors, fruits and slutty looking, inefficient girls.

WC with a barrel of disinfectant on top

Bar Centro de Amigos has one of the most common bar names in Costa Rica, and does not stand out in any way. Slutty looking and unbelievably inefficient girls in the bar (we had to order our first beer through all three of them), few but drunk and confused guests. The one next to us in the bar tried to explain an address to us for half an hour, a wildly annoying experience. Bar Centro de Amigos is worth a short pit stop, though.

Alajuela Safari 1: Bar Chaves

Classic chinchorro exterior

Classic chinchorro ladies' room, sealed off with a padlock.
Thanks to MJ for valuable research.

Classic chinchorrero. Friendly and not exceedingly sober.

Bar Chaves is IWCRPs official first choice in Alajuela. It has all you expect from a typical costarican chinchorro; cheap beer, elderly drunks, posters with scantily clad ladies and local football teams from the 1970s, hand written threats to mutilate any client who does not pay and a padlock on the door to the ladies' room. It appears that the owner played on several of the football teams depicted on the wall.