1. Untraditional uses of the WC
1.1 The WC as a weapon
Many a film character has suffered WC-related violence. Usually, there is drowning or smashing of heads against one or several WC parts, and some times the ring is used to further destroy the cranium or perhaps strangle the victim.1.1.1 The Spirit: Striking weapon
In The Spirit, based on Will Eisner's excellent comics, the villain The Octopus takes WC violence to a new level, as not only the ring, but the entire WC is first a mobile striking weapon, and then turns into a handy containment device.
We would also like to give special credits for the immortal line uttered by The Octopus when noting that the Spirit seemed somewhat baffled by the impact:
Come on! Toilets are always funny!
We couldn't have said it better ourselves.

1.1.2 Sin City: Drowning
By the way, The Spirit was directed by Frank Miller, who also directed Sin City. Here is a scene from the latter, where the WC is used in a more traditionally violent way:
1.1.3 The Godfather: Trickery
Then there is also the possibility of simply hiding a weapon in the toilet, as in the Godfather, a trick preceding this scene:
By the way, The Spirit was directed by Frank Miller, who also directed Sin City. Here is a scene from the latter, where the WC is used in a more traditionally violent way:
1.1.3 The Godfather: Trickery
Then there is also the possibility of simply hiding a weapon in the toilet, as in the Godfather, a trick preceding this scene:

1.1.4 Leathal Weapon 2: Explosives
Finally, we remember how the bad guys converted Danny Glover's peaceful retreat into a deadly bomb in Leathal Weapon 2, when Mel Gibson was still considered a funny and somewhat handsome actor, not an old nazi.
Finally, we remember how the bad guys converted Danny Glover's peaceful retreat into a deadly bomb in Leathal Weapon 2, when Mel Gibson was still considered a funny and somewhat handsome actor, not an old nazi.

1.2 The WC as a washing mashine
1.2.1 FuturamaFrom one of the Futurama films. This description should get the googlers interested: five chicks in a jail cell. Wet pink undies.

1.2.2 Låt den rätte komma in, a.k.a. Let the Right one In
A Swedish vampire drama for the young but not faint at heart. In this scene, Oskar has received some help from his friends, who have washed his trousers for him.
A Swedish vampire drama for the young but not faint at heart. In this scene, Oskar has received some help from his friends, who have washed his trousers for him.

1.3 The WC as an abortion clinic.
1.3.1 Big LoveAnother scene from Big Love, just as the young lady is losing her baby.

In Watchmen, don't forget Rorschach's classic line "disposing of sewage with a toilet.. obvious really" after taking care of Big Figure's goon in his prison cell. (After which he disposes of Big Figure himself in the prison bathroom, although we can't see exactly how this happens)