Tuesday, October 21, 2008

El Bogotazo: Bars in Bogota, Colombia. 11: Unknown Soldier

The entrance

spooky alley

The bar; lovely decoration

Bathroom door and comfy chairs


Save time: wash your hands while you take a leak. This system resembles one previously seen in Valparaiso, Chile. It is a powerful evidence that there has been contact between the two cultures at som stage in history.

Cerveza de colores, how joyful. And very friendly wall decoration covering the zink walls.

We're not sure what this place is called, nor its address. However, it's in the dodgy part of la Candelaria, on the corner of the spooky alley where one can find bars like Bullitas del Callejon and Rock and Chicha. We kind of liked the place; cheap beer will have to take most of the credit for that. Also, the atmosphere was pleasant and definitely unpretensious. Outside, we were attacked by a young man who wanted our stuff one night, and a couple of nights later we found ourselves in the middle of a street battle between stone-throwing punks and armed cops.

Conclusion: not a boring place at all.

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